
Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Business Card

My client liked the lettering and design of the card but I will probably change the figure silhouette to one that shows a pose that is more common for pilates.

Monday, September 28, 2009

Wedding Photo Album

I just completed this job for my client to give to her sister, the bride to be. The ink is a sort olive gouache with a metallic gold added. She was very happy with it!

Friday, September 25, 2009

Brushes and Sticks

In an effort to come up with some new menu ideas, I used a stick to quickly letter the first example, then a brush for the second one.


I did the calligraphy and layout for this menu for a client of Mindy Weiss
. It is a variation on copperplate calligraphy.

Chalkboard Menu

I was hired to do this menu board for a coffee house in Thousand Oaks. It was my first time doing a menu board. I started out using regular chalk, but I had no control over such a crude tool! Then I found out about chalk markers. The layout was a bit tricky, but once that was done I had a great time doing the fun lettering!

Sunday, September 20, 2009


I had fun playing
with the flourishes
on this card to create
one cohesive shape.
I chose a highly
textured paper making
it that much harder
to do!

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Festival Poster

My brother, Jeff Holtzman
designed this poster for
an event in Seattle and hired
me to do the lettering for it.

Lettering for Coffee Cup

This was a fun project to create a design with lettering to use on a coffee cup.

White Copperplate

Here's an example of how beautiful white gouache can look on a strong colored envelope. And, this is one of many ways to vary copperplate script.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Script B

This is a drawn capital letter in copperplate style. I first drew it, then did the illustration around it, leaving the B the white of the paper.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Sugar Paper Holiday Mailer

I was asked to do this style of writing for the Sugar Paper holiday mailing this year.
I've not really done a layout like this with the flourishes extending off the card. The "kindly deliver to" was pressed in white on the face of the envelope with the addressee below.I love the way it came out in letterpress!

Calligraphy Enclosure

And, this was a smaller enclosure card included with the Sugar Paper holiday mailer

Monday, September 7, 2009

Gestural Writing

I recently took a class on gestural writing from the wonderful and talented
Yves Leterme. This style of writing has a different flow and energy than what I usually do. It's hard but fun and I'm going to keep practicing!

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Harry Potter

The marketing agency
Crew Creative , hired me to calligraph these names to represent the personality of the characters. They were potentially to be used in an international ad campaign for one of the films.

Calligraphy Styles

This is a pretty good collection of the styles I do regularly. I also thoroughly enjoy creating new fonts for specific and unique applications.

Wedding Vows

I just completed this piece for a client to give to his wife for their first anniversary. The layout, colors and styles were done at his request. Happy Anniversary!

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Baby Announcement

This is a new birth announcement designed by Sugar Paper incorporating my calligraphy. I really think their design aesthetic is lovely.

Rook Script

I just received this photo from my client Lucy. She wanted to show me how the envelopes I had calligraphed for her and her fiance Matt looked with the vintage postage they chose to use. They selected stamps that relate in some way specifically to each invitee. Great idea and I love the way they look with the Rook style calligraphy.

Friday, September 4, 2009

Wedding Invitation

This is an invitation I did that is a variation on copperplate script.

Vows with Painting

This set of wedding vows was another gift a client was giving to his wife for their anniversary. I call this calligraphy "Antique" Italic. I added the watercolor of Ravello lemons at the top as a nod to the couples visit there.